Montessori 0 – 3
Life in Nido, Infant and Toddler Community

Children are welcomed to our “Nido” (the Italian word for “nest”) between 4 – 18 months. This is a place where their immediate needs – nutrition, close attentive care, opportunity to move and explore, and to communicate – are met. We have a small group of babies and a dedicated baby-care team.

In the Nido, generally the babies have a daily plan including regular meals and snacks, milk and sleep to match their individual needs. They are given close and responsive care. They go outdoors and into the local area.

When the babies are walking with confidence, they transition gently to the “Infant Community” or “Toddler Community” – a larger group of around 12 children up to 3 years old.

The Montessori focus at this age is to provide a home-like environment, focused on a calm daily rhythm that is flexible to the children’s individual needs.

In the Infant Community and Toddler Community, the daily schedule includes regular mealtimes, indoor and outdoor play and a nap time. Our focus is to support the children in developing movement, language and independence. Skills of self-feeding, dressing and undressing, toileting and self-expression (in multiple languages) are all developed during this time. The children also learn to be part of the “toddler community” and to get along with others. They learn to control their impulses and to collaborate with the adult. They are making their first real friendships.

When the children are around their 3rd birthday, we plan to transition them to the Kindergarten.

Typical Daily Schedule in Montessori 0 – 3 Level

7:00am-9:00am (arrival time) – Breakfast and snack are available as needed
11:00am – Baby and Toddler lunch
11:30am – Toddler rest period
2:00pm – Snack (fruits, water)
2:30pm-4:00pm – Free-play or workshop
4:00pm-6:00pm – Afternoon snack and pick-up time while playing inside or outside in the garden

Outdoor periods are flexible and may include our balconies, two gardens, local parks and playgrounds, forest and farm.

Are you interested and want to know more? Check our programs, contact us or book a tour!

Take a look at our daily life